Hot Oil Pizza #2

October 6th 2014

Hot Oil Pizza #2

Archer Farms brand (from Target) ultra crispy pizza crust - not refrigerated
1 jar of pizza sauce
2 links of sweet Italian sausage, cooked
About 20 pepperoni slices
16 Oz of shredded mozzarella
Olive oil
1 Poblano pepper
Italian seasoning, red pepper, pepper

1. Heat pizza stone to 400 degrees in oven.
2. Cut pepper in half and put about 3-4 TBSP of oil in a pan with the sliceD pepper. Heat over low heat for about 10 minutes with the lid on to sweat the pepper
3. Assemble the pizza. Take the stone out of the oven place the dough on the stone, spread a thin layer of sauce, sprinkle with seasoning, layer with cheese, pepperoni and cooked sausage slices.
4. Place one half the pepper in the middle of the pizza. Drizzle the pizza with some of the hot oil now. Put in the oven for about 15 minutes until cheese is just turning brown and bubbly.
5. Take out of oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with a little parmesan if desired.

This was a great pizza version. I love assuage and pepperoni but you can add anything you want on here. I did also try this same pizza with  Trader Joe's pizza crust. It was good but the Archer Farms dough took the pie home! This pizza was a little spicy and had tons of meat. So, I would pair this with Malbec or a Syrah. These are both full body, bold, young wines that can stand up to this bold dish.



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