Lumps of Coal

December 19th 2014

Lumps of Coal
I wanted to post this one in time for your Holiday party!  What a great item to have on your dessert buffet!  They look so real and are so yummy. 

5 cups of cocoa rice krispies (you could use regular if you want but I recommend cocoa)
10 oreos, crushed
1 large bag of regular marshmallows
4 TBSP butter, melted
2-3 tsp of black gel food coloring
1/2 TBSP vanilla extract

1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan
2. Put the marshmallows in a large dutch oven (I used a large glass pot) and when the butter is melted in the other pan, pour it over the marshmallows and turn the heat on medium-low. Continue to stir the marshmallows and butter until you start to see them become melty and starting to break down. 
3. At this time you can combine your rice krispies and oreos is a large bowl getting ready to dump them in, but not yet!
4. To your marshmallows and butter, add your food coloring and vanilla. Continue to stir with a rubber spatula trying to break up the marshmallows a bit.  I actually used the side of the rubber spatula to break them up a little. 
5. Be patient, you don't want to melt them too fast. Lower and slower is better in this base. When the mixture is almost smooth and the lumps from the marshmallows are almost all gone, you can start adding your krispies and oreos once you turn off the heat.
6.  I added about 1/3 of the krispies and oreos at a time so that it was easier to mix. See how the color is looking. If you still have some white showing, add a little more food coloring.  The gel food coloring will give it a nice glossy texture too that will look so cool. 
7. Once everything is mixed, use two spoons to form lumps of coal. (If you don't use spoons your hands will be black very quick. You can also use rubber gloves and your hands if that is easier) You want to make the lumps a little odd shaped so they look realistic. You don't want perfect balls. 



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