Baked Brie topped with Brandy Candied Nuts

Sugar and Nut Glazed Brie

This is so easy, so beautiful and so tasty to have on your table during the holidays.
1 wheel of good quality brie cheese
1 cup of candied pecans (you can buy these in a bag or packages now in the snack isle)
1/2 cup of brown sugar
1/4 cup of brandy
Apple slices
Pear Slices
Crackers or crusty bread

Directions: There is an edible coating on the outside of brie cheese. Using a sharp knife, slice off just the top white layer. If a little bit remains, that is ok. Remember, it is edible. You want to expose the creamy cheesy a little bit so that the topping can meet the cheese. In a saucepan over low heat, melt the sugar with the nuts and slowly add in the brandy. Mix together until a syrup forms. Put the cheese wheel in a cast iron pan or cookie sheet. I used a nice cast iron frying pan and served it right out of the pan. Top your bried cheese with the sugary nut mixture and put into a 400 degree oven for 10-15 minutes. Serve warm with the fruit slices, bread and crackers.



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