Watermelon Vodka Spritzer

1 medium watermelon
handful of mint leaves
1 lime, sliced into rounds
1 small cucumber, sliced into rounds
1 cup of cucumber lime vodka
1 bottle of prosecco or Brut Champagne

1. Halve the watermelon.
2. Scoop out the flesh of the watermelon with an ice cream scooper to make balls. Freeze the balls so you can use them as ice cubes
3. Save all of the juice from the watermelon as you are scooping.  You will use all of it in the drink
4. After you finish scrapping the watermelon clean, leave just a little of the flesh lining the green. Add your other components to the drink
5. You will have to split your ingredients between the 2 halves of the watermelon. Add the limes, cucumbers, mint, watermelon juice, vodka and top it off with sparkling wine. Don't forget your watermelon ice cubes!



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