Lemon Pepper Shrimp and Broccolini

This is another post inspired by one of my favs - Rocco Dispirito.  I made a few tweaks to his recipe found in Now Eat This!  Here is a picture of his book recipe.

30 Raw shrimp, peeled and deveined, tail off
5 TBSP of butter, divided
2 TBSP olive oil
3 bunches of broccolini, stems cut about 2 inches up on an angle
6 cloves of garlic, sliced
2 tsp of hot and sweet jelly (Trader Joe's brand)
Juice from 1 1/2 lemons
1/2 cup seafood stock
2 tsp Weber Grill's Zesty Lemon seasoning (or something similar)
Salt and pepper

1. Blanch broccolini in boiling salted water for 3 minutes.  Remove from boiling water and immediately put into an ice bath. Drain and set aside
2. Dry the shrimp, and season one side with salt, pepper, and Zesty Lemon Seasoning.
3. Heat a large saute pan with 2 TBSP butter, 2 TBSP olive oil to medium heat. Put shrimp in the pan seasoned side down. Immediately season the other side with zesty lemon seasoning, pepper and salt. Cook each side for 2-3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, remove shrimp and reserve.
4. In the same pan, add the remaining sauce ingredients - garlic, butter, seafood stock, jelly, lemon juice. Simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the broccolini and a little more pepper. Toss to coat in sauce. Cook for 1-2 minutes.
6. Move broccolini over to one side, add the shrimp to the same pan and toss to coat.  Cook for 1-2 minutes just to heat through. 
7. Serve on a plate with a good lip so you can have some of the lemon pepper sauce at the bottom. Garnish with a piece of bread or two for soaking up the sauce.

Enjoy this with an unoaked Chardonnay or a crisp Suavignon Blanc. 


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