Sautéed Purple and Orange Cauliflower with garlic chips

 I made this dish as a side dish with steak and lamb chops on the grill.  So, I brought the Calphalon saute pan out on the grill with me to make the cauliflower. 


1 head of purple cauliflower, cut into florets

1 head of orange cauliflower, cut into florets

3 cloves of garlic, sliced into chips

3 TBSP hot oil (I had leftover hot olive oil that was stewed with 2 jalepenos from a pizza that I made, I used that. But you can use regular olive oil with red pepper flakes to spice it up)

2 TBSP olive oil

Lawrys season salt



Add 2 TBSP olive oil to pan, add the cauliflower with a generous amount of salt and pepper. 

Heat over high heat for about 7-9 minutes, lid closed and toss once in between. 

Lower heat and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. Start to feel the tenderness of the cauliflower, even taste a piece. 

When cauliflower has about 5 minutes left, add the garlic chips, hot oil and a pinch more salt and pepper. 

Saute another 5 minutes until tender to your liking and nice color has formed. The cauliflower should have "melted down" and reduced about 25% in size.  



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