Old Bay Grilled Crab Legs

Unsalted butter - about 1 stick per person for dipping. 1.5 sticks for brushing/melting
Old Bay
Minced Garlic
About 2 pounds of crab legs per person (today I made 4 pounds)

1. Defrost for 4 hours
2. Combine 1.5 sticks of butter with 2 tsp old bay and 1 tsp minced garlic and a pinch of cayenne. 
3. Warm it up just to melt it. Mix and brush crab legs. Sprinkle with a little more old bay. (As the butter is brushed on the cold crab legs it should firm up again really sticking to the outside. 
4. Preheat grill to low. 
5. Grill crab legs for 20 min, lid closed, flipping once. 
Serve with fresh drawn butter

Today I served this with fresh sweet corn. The simplicity of the recipe and the timing to cook both together works out perfectly.  

Soak 4 ears of corn (with the husks on)  in water for 1-2 hours
Grill with the husks on for 15-20 min turning occasionally. 
Serve with butter and chili lime seasoning. 

Wine pairing: 
Vignerons de Mancey
Macon, France


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