Steak and Corn

June 13th 2014

Steak and Corn
Today I did boneless Sirloin Steaks on the grill. I seasoned them with canola oil, Head Country seasoning and Weber Grill Steak seasoning. Grill steaks, flipping only once for about 5 minutes per side for medium well.
When I grill my corn, I soak the corn in the husks in water for about 20 minutes. Then I put it on a medium grill for 10 minutes in the husks. I will take them off, pull the husks off and then finish on the hot grill for 5 minutes to give the corn some color and extra flavor.
And today, I know I know.....I am having a Pinot Noir with steak. But it is O so good.
2012, Pinot Noir
35% from Monterey County, CA
34% Santa Barbara, CA
31% Sonoma County, CA
Meiomi stands for "coast" in Wappo Tribe. This wine is from their land near the coast. They pulled the best grapes from their most exquisite regions of their land and combined them to make this interesting wine with great history.



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