Drunken Lobster Ravioli

October 1st 2014

Drunken Lobster Ravioli
This is an economical way to make Lobster Ravioli at home.  This is a dish that always pops out on a restaurant menu but often times, lets me down.  If I were to make the dough, the filling, the sauce all from scratch, this meal would cost more than $20 per serving. So, I got creative with this recipe, and it was really yummy.

2 packages of Traders Joe's Lobster Ravioli
2 packages of Trader Joe's Cheese and Spinach Ravioli
1 jar of Trader Joe's Vodka Sauce
2 small lobster tails
1/2 cup skim milk
salt and pepper
1 tsp red pepper flakes
1 TBSP fresh garlic, mashed
Parsley for garnish
Fresh asiago and parmesan cheese for topping. It isn't necessary but as much as I love these 2 cheeses, I shredded a lot!

1. Boil ravioli according to directions in batches.  If you cook too much at once, they could stick together or fall apart.
2. Add 1 TBSP olive oil to a large pan with the garlic and salt and pepper. Cook for 1 minutes over medium heat.
3. Stir in the sauce from the jar. Add the red pepper flakes. Heat for about 3 minutes.
4/ Slice the lobster tail by using a sharp knife and slicing through the shell. Take the meat out and chop into small pieces. 
4. Stir the milk into the sauce and continue to heat over low heat for a few minutes while you finish the ravioli.
5. Drain all the ravioli onto plates that you are serving them on. I just set up 4 plates next to the stove and portioned the ravioli out as I drained them using my spider.
6. As you are getting ready to plate, toss the lobster meat into the sauce and let it cook for a few minutes.  By the time you are ready for the sauce, it will be cooked.
7. Now your lobster is drunk in the lobster sauce. Take a ladle of lobster vodka sauce and pour it over the ravioli. You should have about 5 ravioli with the spinach and about 5 of the lobster ravioli.
8. Top with the fresh shredded asiago and parmesan cheese and parsley



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