Wisconsin Cheese Bombs

This recipe is so easy, I can't even believe I am writing directions for it. But check this out! Your folks will think you are amazing for making these!

1 roll of biscuit dough.
About 4-5 mozzarella cheese sticks, cut into 3 parts each
4 TBSP butter, melted
1 large garlic clove, minced
Peanut oil

1. Melt the butter and garlic together
2. Preheat about 8 ounces of peanut oil to 350 degrees
3. Separate the biscuits and then flatter each one to increase the surface area. Slice them in half.
4. Brush the biscuits on one side with the butter/garlic.  Place one piece of the mozzarella cheese in the middle and then fold up and roll the biscuit dough around the cheese. If you pinch all the sides and then roll it like a meatball it usually sticks pretty well.
*Tip - I brush each biscuit piece one at a time and roll each. I don't want the butter to run all over. Plus, I used little toothpicks to help seal my cheese bombs together. And not one leaked in the oil.
5. Fry for 2-4 minutes, flipping a moving frequently.  Drain on a paper towel and enjoy!
Image result for biscuit cheese bombs
I did make mine with bacon wrapped around the outside and stuck with a toothpick. However it was totally not needed and somewhat clashed with the cheese and garlic flavor.  Enjoy whichever way you like!


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