Rustic Shrimp and Hankerchef Pasta

1 pound of lasagna noodles (I used no boil sheets this time)
1 (28oz) can of plum tomatoes
5 cloves of garlic, diced
1 smaller onion, diced
5-7 ounces of fresh spinach ( about 3 handfuls)
1/2 cup olive oil
1 1/2 pounds of shrimp
1 cup of sweet white wine
Seasoning: garlic, Chardonnay salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, pinched of cardamom, red pepper flakes (if you don't have Chardonnay salt, use regular)

1. Boil a large pot of water. Break your lasagna sheets into 3 pieces to have a rustic crack. Use all of the broken pieces too.
2. Get your pan and sauce ready before you put the pasta in.
3. Heat a large deep sauté pan to medium heat. Add 2 turns of olive oil and add diced onion.
4. Season with a bit of the seasonings (you will season with everything along the way)
5. Cook onion for 5 minutes and then add garlic. Stir for 2-3 minutes.
6.  Add in your wine and let reduce for 4 minutes or so.
7. Add your tomatoes and begin breaking up with a wooden spatula. Season a bit more with all seasonings.
8. Reduce heat to a simmer on the sauce and let it go for 15 minutes.
9. Season shrimp with a bit of all the seasonings. Add to the sauce after it simmered for 15 minutes. Nestle the shrimp in the sauce to make sure it cooks through.
10. Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to directions. When pasta is about 1 minutes from being done, add the spinach to the pasta water with a little salt. Let it blanch for 1 minute.
11. Using a spider or slotted spoon, take the pasta and spinach out of the water and put right into the sauce pan. Toss right away. You want a little of that pasta water because it will help your sauce come together. If any pasta noodles stick together, break them up.
12. Toss the pasta together for a minute or two. Taste for seasoning and add any of needed.
13. Serve with Parmesan cheese

Red Blend
Paso Robles, CA


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