Homemade Pasta

My first homemade pasta trial was a success!

Pasta Dough:
  • 2 1/4 cups flour for dough plus more for sprinkling on your tray and as you roll
  • 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
Mix your flour and salt together on a large work surface. Make a well in the middle of your flour and pour in your unbeaten eggs and olive oil.  Using a large fork, whisk your eggs and incorporate a little flour with each movement of the fork.  Once it starts coming together and is not liquid-like anymore, pull in more flour from the sides and then switch to kneading with your hands.  Knead by using the palm of your hand and pushing the dough out from the center. Rotate and switch the dough all around - knead for about 8 minutes. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest for at least 30 minutes. 
Cut dough into 4 pieces. The pieces you are not using, keep under a moist paper towel. The one piece you are working on, just flatten a bit with your hand just enough to make an oval disc-like shape.  Using your pasta roller on the widest setting, slide the dough through. Have some flour handy to sprinkle on the dough if it gets sticky or seems to be struggling to go through the roller. After each pass through the roller, fold into thirds like an envelope. After about 4 times through, change the setting to 2. Pass through about 4 times. It should be about 3/4 to full length of a cookie sheet. When you get there, set it on a floured cookie sheet while you do the other pieces.  Sprinkle flour on top of that sheet you just rolled. As you get your paste sheets, try to criss cross them or lay them out so they dont stick.  
When you are ready to make your noodles, you have to switch your attachment to the pasta cutter.  You can cut the noodles by hand by running a pizza cutter through the dough - I guess. But, a pasta cutter is so easy.  Take the past sheets from the right side (on your cookie sheet) and have an empty, floured cookie sheet on your left.  Run the pasta sheet through the cutter and lay flat on the empty cookie sheet. Make sure to sprinkle flour if needed so they dont stick together. Repeat with all past sheets.  Heat a large pot with boiling water and salt liberally.  Add your pasta to the water carefully and in batches. Shake off access flour before dropping in the pot.  Boil for 7-8 minutes or until tender and then drain right into your sauce on the next burner.  Toss and then serve.  

Enjoy!  Homemade pasta makes a huge difference!!!!!


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