Sticky Chicken and Vegetable Skewers

Ingredients for kebabs:
1 package of butternut squash pieces (substitute sweet potato, if desired)
2 pounds of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, cute into cubes
1 large sweet onion
1 large zucchini
bamboo skewers

Ingredients for glaze:
6 TBSP honey (I have Bees Knees spicy honey so I used 3 TBSP of that and 3 TBSP regular honey)
2 TBSP apple cider vinegar

Ingredients for spice mixture that gets tossed over everything:
2 tsp garlic powder
2 tsp salt
2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

1. Soak Skewers in water for at least 30 minutes
2. Cut onion, zucchini, chicken and squash in similar pieces.
3. Steam Squash for 2-3 minutes or put in boiling water for a few minutes to begin to cook, still firm but a little give to it.  Drain and set aside.
4. When the squash is cooled, lay all ingredients out on a large tray and toss with all of the seasonings.  Careful to not break up the squash.
5. Start your skewer with one piece of zucchini, then alternate chicken, onion, squash until you get to the end.  Keep making skewers.
6. Best to do these outside, but in Connecticut in March, we did the grill pan.  Heat a grill pan with canola oil to medium low heat. These will take about 20 minutes total, make sure to move them every 4-5 minutes.
7. During the last 5 minutes, lower the heat and begin to brush with glaze.  Brush, cook 1 min, turn, brush, cook 1 minute, turn, etc.
Chicken should be at minimum 165 degrees and vegetables tender. Make sure to use all the glaze!


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