Honey Butter Scallops with Herby Polenta and Carrots

1 bunch of tri-color carrots, peeled
2 TBSP butter
Creole seasoning mix
(roast for about 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven, tossing once halfway through)

2 TBSP chopped cilantro
2 TBSP chopped parsley
1 TBSP chopped chives
4 TBSP butter
2 TBSP cream cheese (with chives)
salt and pepper
2 cups corn grits
1 cup milk
4 cups of chicken stock
1 cup water
>Bring liquid to a boil. Stir in grits and cook over low, stirring often for 10 minutes. Add in the other ingredients and keep stirring  Lower heat to prevent popping. After another 10 minutes, taste for seasoning. You are looking for a creamy texture here and a good amount of seasoning. Keep warm until ready to serve.

20 large, dry sea scallops (dry them on paper towels for at least 30 minutes before cooking. You can't buy frozen or wet scallops, they won't sear)
Creole seasoning mix (something with paprika, garlic, cumin, salt and pepper)
olive oil
4 TBSP butter
2 TBSP honey
For garnish, red pepper flakes and lemon juice
>Heat up a non-stick skillet with 1 TBSP olive oil to medium high heat.  I did half of my scallops at a time, completed the whole process, cleaned the pan, and started over for the second batch, Clean pan, less smoke, hot food for everyone.
Season the scallops on one side with salt, pepper and creole seasoning and set right in the pan seasoned side down. Quickly season the other side. Sear 2-3 minutes per side or until they release from the pan and have good color. The last minute, quickly add a drizzle of honey and 2 TBSP butter.  Toss to coat.

To plate:
Place the polenta in the center. Use tongs to place the scallops all around. Set up the carrots in the middle of the polenta. Sprinkle a dusting of red pepper flakes and squeeze a fresh lemon over the top of everything.  Drizzle the pan drippings on the scallops.  Serve and eat right away.

Wine pairing:
Finger Lakes, NY


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