Seared Scallops with Andouille, Soaked Cherries, Molasses Aioli, and Quinoa Crumble

Tabasco Soaked Cherries:
1 TBSP Tabasco
1/4 cup water
1/4 cup dried cherries

Molasses Aioli:
2 TBSP molasses
4 TBSP mayo
2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 tsp red wine vinegar
2-3 dashes of Tabasco
1 tsp chives
salt and pepper to taste

Quinoa Crumble:
1/2 cup multi grain quinoa
1 cup water
1-2 TBSP olive oil

Scallops and Andouille: 
20 Sea Scallops, thawed and dried on paper towels
20 round slices of Andouille sausage (1 link from a two pack)
salt and pepper
hot smoked paprika
1/4 cup flour
2 TBSP bacon fat
2 TBSP butter
chives for garnish

Directions (makes 4 servings): 

1. Make sure your scallops are thawed and dry. Set in the fridge on paper towels on top and bottom while you prep everything else. 

2. Cook quinoa according to package directions. Lay out in a single layer on a greased sheet tray to cool completely.  Heat the oven to 400 degrees. 

3. Heat the cherries in a small saucepan until the water is boiling. Turn off the heat and let sit for 30 minutes. Drain and reserve. 

4. Crisp the quinoa in the oven for 20 minutes. 

5. Whisk all ingredients for molasses aioli and reserve. 

6. Heat a cast iron pan to medium-high heat. Sear the sausage rounds on each side for 2-3 minutes or until they have a nice color. Reserve and keep warm. 

7. To that same cast iron, add 2 TBSP bacon fat. Quickly season scallops on both sides with salt, pepper, and hot smoked paprika. Dab each side of the scallops in flour and add to the hot pan. 

8. Sear scallops for 3 minutes on one side. Flip when they release from the pan. Add the butter to the pan and shake the pan to move it around. Sear on the second side for 2-3 minutes or until opaque and they release from the pan. (Note: If you have one cast iron pan, sear the scallops in two batches, 10 per batch so you don't crowd the pan)

9. Set scallops on a plate with paper towels just while you get the plates ready. Smear the aioli on the bottom. Dot the plate with cherries. Make a small pile of crispy quinoa. Place 5 sausage rounds on the plate. Place scallops on top of the sausage. Garnish with chopped chives. 

Wine pairing: 
Field Recordings
Chenin Blanc
Central Coast, CA


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