Famous Sweet Rolls

 Ingredients for dough: 

1 package of quick rise yeast

1/2 cup warm water (110-115 degrees)

1 1/2 cup warm milk (scald then cool to around 105 degrees)

1 cup of lukewarm unseasoned mashed potatoes (instant is fine)

3/4 cup sugar

2/3 cup shortening

1 1/2 tsp salt

6 cups of flour for mixer and up to another cup for kneading and cutting

Ingredients for inside:




Brown Sugar

1 stick of melted butter

Ingredients for frosting: 

1 stick of butter

1 package of cream cheese (8 oz)

1-2 TBSP vanilla extract

3-4 cups of powdered sugar (you want the icing to be firm but not too stiff. It needs to be spreadable)


In the mixer with a dough hook, dissolve the yeast in warm water for a minute. 

Then add 3 cups of flour, then milk, potatoes, sugar, shortening and salt. Start adding in 1, 2, then 3 cups of flour. Keep mixing until the dough pulls away from the sides of the bowl and it's almost clean. 

Remove dough from the mixer. Flour your surface and knead for about 5 minutes until smooth and elastic. Grease a large metal bowl and place the dough in the bowl, covered lightly. Let rise until double in size - about 2 hours. 

Once doubled in size, punch down. Now to make two 9x13 trays you want to divide the dough into 4. If you're like my husband you only want to divide into 2 because he likes the really big cinnamon rolls only about 4-6 to a pan. 

Whatever size you choose, roll your piece out to an oblong shape. Brush with butter. Then sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and some raisins. Roll the dough up lengthwise and then cut your pieces as thick as you like - (at least 2 inches). Place the rolls in the pan spiral side up and brush the top with more butter. 

Cover loosely and let them sit until they rise and double in size again. 

Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes (depending on the size you made). 

Let cool for 15 minutes and then add the icing. You want to add the icing when they are just a little warm to touch. 

This recipe has been in my husband's family forever. Since I met him the most famous thing he talks about that his family cooks are these sweet rolls.  I finally got the recipe and was able to give it a whirl!  Depends on where you're from - these would be cinnamon rolls. Cinnamon rolls or sweet rolls, they generally aren't my favorite sweet treat. But - these are my husbands favorite and they are very very good.  Enjoy! 


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