Perfectly Grilled Lobster Tail


12 lobster tail
1 stick of butter
1 TBSP old Bay
1 TBSP minced garlic
Spritz of lemon and a dash of chives


1. Split lobster tail and rinse. Pull the end of the meat away from the shell a bit so it's easier when cooked to pull the meat out. 

2. Melt the butter with old bay and garlic and a sprinkle of salt. Let cool just a bit and then brush on the lobster tail. Save remaining butter for the grill. 

3. Preheat the grill to medium heat. Place lobster tail face down trying to open the shell so the meat hits the grates.  Grill for 5-7 minutes untouched. 

4. Flip the lobster tail and brush with butter mixture again. After about 12-15 minutes, the lobster is firm and white it is done. 

5. Remove tails from the grill and spritz with lemon and dust with chives. Serve right away. 

A great suggestion for a side dish here is a simple white wine butter pasta. 

Melt 8 TBSP butter with 2 TBSP olive oil. Turn off the heat. Add in minced garlic (about 4-5 cloves), garlic powder, pepper, salt, red pepper flakes and stir.  When the pasta is ready to come out, warm up your butter mixture again. Take the pasta directly from the water into the warm butter mixture and toss. Keep tossing and add splashes of pasta water as you toss. Add about 3 TBSP minced parsley  Serve. 

Wine pairing: 

Mer Soleil
Reserve Chardonnay 2021
Santa Lucia Highlands, CA


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