Grilled White Pizza


8 oz Provolone
4 oz Copper Kettle Parmesan
4 oz. Pecorino Romano
8 ounces Mozzarella
4 oz Taleggio
4 oz of fresh Arugula tossed in just a touch of olive oil
5-10 fresh basil leaves
2 TBSP olive oil
1 tsp minced garlic
Italian Seasoning
Red pepper flakes
White pizza sauce
Optional: hot honey for drizzle
2 store bought pizza doughs that make about a 10-12 inch pie. 


1. Shred all of your cheese except the Taleggio and combine in a large bowl. Break the Taleggio apart into small pieces and place it in a different bowl. You'll dot this on the top after you spread the rest of the cheese around. 

2. Mix your minced garlic with olive oil for brushing the crust. 

3. Take all of your ingredients out to the grill and prep a station.  If you have a mesh pizza tray for the grill use it here. Spray with cooking spray.  

4. Preheat your grill to medium heat. 

5. Spread out your pizza dough on the tray. Brush with olive oil and sprinkle with italian seasoning. Grill for 3-4 minutes or just until the bottom is set. Off the heat, carefully flip the pizza over. Brust the crust edges with olive oil. Spread the sauce in the middle of the pizza. Add half the cheese mixture on top and then dot with half of the Taleggio. Sprinkle with red pepper flakes, if desired. 

6. Return to the grill and cook over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes with the lid closed. Check often to make sure the bottom isn't burning. If you have a 3 burner grill like I do, I turned down the middle burner but had the two side burners up a little higher. This helped the bottom of my pizza from not burning but the dough to cook through and cheese to melt wonderfully. 

7. When the pizza is done, remove from the grill.  Top with arugula, basil and hot honey (if desired). Cut and serve.  

8. You will have enough sauce and cheese to repeat to make a second pizza. 

White pizza sauce:
3 TBSP butter
8 garlic cloves, minced
3 TBSP flour
2 cups of milk
1/2 cup grated parmesan (fresh)
1/2 cup cream cheese
salt and pepper to taste

Melt the butter in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Whisk in the flour and cook for 2-3 minutes. Slowly add in the milk whisking constantly. Let the sauce cook over medium low heat until the sauce thickens a bit. Remove the sauce from the heat and whisk in parmesan, and cream cheese. Taste for seasoning and add some salt and pepper to taste.  Keep warm and use for pizza sauce, breadsticks or whatever you'd like! 


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